You have [5 days] of included support after your launch to fix any issues.

After that, you can book STUDIO HOURS, our pay by the hour design, coaching and consulting services for additional help with:

  • Adding new pages to your website

  • Building out a sales page for a specific product or service.

  • Marketing (social media help, email marketing services, etc.).

  • Consulting (help putting together a plan on how to get past a specific sales or marketing issues, or activate your community.

Website Updates & Help

Marketing Strategy Calls

Vision to Goals to Actionable Sessions

Social Media Strategy

Website Updates & Help Marketing Strategy Calls Vision to Goals to Actionable Sessions Social Media Strategy


  • Save your section as a backup before editing (look for the heart icon)

  • Always check the site on mobile after edits too! Editing causes things to shift.

Adding Images

  • walkthrough video

  • resize vertical images DOWN to 1200px wide, horizontal images DOWN to 2500px wide

  • Run images through

  • Then add images to site

  • Set ALT TEXT on image if needed

Sending Squarespace Email Campaigns

  • walkthrough video


  • Header:

  • Paragraph:


Hex Codes:

Color Palette:

Don’t Forget, Connect Your Forms To Your Google Drive (google sheets)

  • Walkthrough Video

  • Steps: Navigate to the form block and double click on the form. From there, you can click Storage > Additional Options and then click Google Drive and Title the form (eg. “Contact,” “Client Inquiries 2025,” or “Contact | About Page” if you have a contact form on multiple pages.). Click save and it will automatically create a google sheet in your google drive folder to keep an extra /backup record of who submitted a form on your website.